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Academic Growth Plans

Academic Growth Plan Process

Academic Growth Plan Process

Our school staff is dedicated to student progress and achievement.  In an effort to better support and assist families and students, the education team consisting of the assigned SVA Teacher, school administration, school academic specialists (reading, writing, math), the parent, and the student (if appropriate), will create a plan for students who assess and/or perform below their designated grade level.  The process is outlined below:

Student Grades 1-8:

  • Students in grades 1-8 will complete i-Ready and the SVA writing assessment at the beginning of the year or at enrollment.
  • If the student assessment scores indicate skill levels below grade level, the teacher and the appropriate school specialist(s) will work with the parent to select curriculum that is appropriate to the student’s skill level and create an Academic Growth Plan to support the student with the assigned course work.  
  • The Academic Growth Plan will be developed by the entire education team and must be signed by the parent and the SVA Teacher.
  • The Academic Growth Plan for students scoring one grade level below their designated grade on i-Ready will include one strategy per subject area of need (English Language Arts and/or Mathematics). 
  • The Academic Growth Plan for students scoring two or more grade levels below the student’s designated grade level on i-Ready will include two or more options per subject area of need (English Language Arts and/or Mathematics).
  • The Academic Growth Plan for students scoring Below Basic on the writing assessment will include one writing strategy for English Language Arts.
  • The following are options that may be included in the plan:
  • Extra tutoring/instruction with assigned teacher. 
  • Extra tutoring/instruction with SVA Academic Specialists (reading, writing, math).
  • Math tutoring offered by staff/specialist.
  • Math and/or writing classes offered by staff/specialist.
  • Use of i-Ready lessons.
  • Use of i-Ready workbooks.
  • Use of prescribed online programs and/or applications.
  • Selection of curriculum appropriate for academic growth and supplementation.
  • Specialist Suggestions: Writing, Language Arts, Math
  • Teachers will discuss student progress with the activities outlined in the Academic Growth Plan at each learning period meeting with the parent/guardian.  Please note that the Academic Growth Plan activities are in addition to the completion of regular curriculum and assignments.
  • Parents will have an Academic Growth Plan Log to track the amount of time spent each learning period on the Academic Growth Plan activities and submit it to their assigned SVA Teacher at each learning period meeting.
  • Students will complete a second i-Ready assessment in January to evaluate progress and mastery of grade-level standards.
  • If the student’s second assessment indicates that the grade level skill gaps have been addressed and they are working at grade level, the Academic Growth Plan can be considered successful and may be dropped. 
  • If students are not making progress with the assistance of staff and the Academic Growth Plan activities, the educational team may call a Student Success Team (SST) meeting to discuss other strategies and the option of assessment for special education services.
  • It is important that families implement the Academic Growth Plan actions on a consistent basis.  If a family is not completing the activities in the plan as outlined, a non-compliance report may be issued.  If non-compliance continues and a student is not making academic progress, the appropriateness of the independent study placement may be discussed. 

Student Grades 9-11:

  • Students in grades 9-11 will complete i-Ready assessments and produce a writing sample at the beginning of the year or at the initial time of enrollment.  Students performing on grade level will not need to complete a second assessment in the spring unless requested by the assigned SVA Teacher or the parent.  Students scoring below grade level will need to complete a second i-Ready assessment in the spring to measure skill growth.
  • Scores from i-Ready assessment and the student’s writing sample will be used to help assigned teacher, parent, student, and/or specialists determine appropriate curriculum and class choices for student.
  • If a high school student scores below grade level, the assigned teacher and/or staff/specialists will provide support to student to help them complete their assigned curriculum.  This may include the following:
  • Meeting with the assigned teacher for instruction or support on a weekly basis.
  • Tutoring with the school Reading, Math and/or Writing Specialist.
  • Math or writing class attendance.
  • The assignment of supplementary programs and lessons to support academic skill development.
  • If students are not making progress with the assistance of staff, the educational team may call a Student Success Team (SST) meeting to discuss other strategies and the option of assessment for special education services.
  • Students receiving special education services may need to assess via i-Ready on a regular/yearly basis so the IEP Team can properly adjust IEP goals.